The Czech Republic
Czechia, officially The Czech Republic, is a country in Europe, with an area of 78,866 square kilometers and a population of around 10,693,939. Its gdp is $246,489.25 Millions(2019). The capital of Czechia Prague, and the official currency is Czech Koruna(CZK).
23:46 | USD | EUR | GBP | JPY | AUD | CAD | CHF | CNY |
1 CZK = | 0.0419 | 0.0399 | 0.0333 | 6.385 | 0.066 | 0.0595 | 0.0377 | 0.3041 |
Inverse: | 23.8527 | 25.0395 | 30.0472 | 0.1566 | 15.1484 | 16.8113 | 26.5278 | 3.2882 |
- Flag:
- Country Name:: The Czech Republic
- Capital: Prague
- GDP(Millions): $246,489.25 Millions(2019)
- Coordinate: 50°05′N 14°28′E
- Population: 10,693,939
- Area: 78,866 km2 (30,450 sq mi)
- Currency: Czech Koruna(CZK)
- Language: Czech 95.4%, Slovak 1.6%, other 3%
- Calling Code: +420
- Neighbouring countries:
Major World Currencies Cross Table
PopularNorth and South AmericaAsiaEuropePacific and Middle EastAfrica
Country | Exchange | Pairing |
United States Dollar | 0.04192 | CZK/USD |
Euro | 0.03994 | CZK/EUR |
British Pound | 0.03328 | CZK/GBP |
Japanese Yen | 6.38505 | CZK/JPY |
Australian Dollar | 0.06601 | CZK/AUD |
Canadian Dollar | 0.05948 | CZK/CAD |
Swiss Franc | 0.0377 | CZK/CHF |
Chinese Yuan | 0.30412 | CZK/CNY |
Hong Kong Dollar | 0.32636 | CZK/HKD |
Russian Rouble | 3.81784 | CZK/RUB |
Singapore Dollar | 0.05614 | CZK/SGD |
Indian Rupee | 3.63348 | CZK/INR |
Mexican Peso | 0.85112 | CZK/MXN |
The exchange rates above were updated at Feb 14,2025 23:46 UTC
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